brān® reimagined pro

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brān® contains a blend of 16 nutrients for a clean and long-lasting energy boost and mood enhancer, while helping the body to burn glucose and stored body fat.

The Brain

The world as we know it is changing at an accelerated
pace and our simplicity in life is being interrupted by
external distractions. Some days you spring out of bed,
other days not so much. Regardless of how you feel,
anything less than your best is time you can never get

The brain is arguably the most important organ in the
human body. It controls and coordinates actions and
reactions. Did you know that our brain represents only2%
of our weight and is the most energy-consuming organ,
consuming 20% of our energy?

So in today's busy world and sub-optimal diet, your
brain's operating system could use a little help in the
form of premium nootropics. We've made it possible fofor
you to create the ultimate transformation that will cauuse
a shift in the way you think and help you to remember
where you put your keys, where you parked, or the narme
of someone you just met with our leading-edge

Where most nootropics, or energy drinks, work only in
the first stage, and few in the second,
Velovita's bran benefits you in 3 stages by taking it daily.

The Importance of Nootropics

Nootropics are cognitive technology that act as an
enhancer to play a vital part in our daily diet, even if you
think you're healthy.

These added supplements may improve cognitive
function, notably executive actions, creativity, motivation
or memory so that you can perform at your utmostpeak.

brān was formulated by taking into account the
functions, processes, and complexities of the brain. Our 
scientists have created a premium stacked nootropic that
has key nutrients in a powerfully potent 15 ml dosage.

Each snap contains 100 mg of green coffee bean (natural
caffeine) and 20 mg Niacin, which is nearly the same aS
drinking a cup of coffee but without the jitters!

The Role of Nanotechnology

Today, our scientists have employed nanoparticles in
nutraceuticals as the next generation of health and
biohacking for solubility, stability and improved
absorption rates.

Nanotechnology is the science of reducing particles to5
100 nm (nanometer) or less, which can make many
compounds more easily digested.

That is why Velovita's scientists have created a proprietaary blend to enhance the body's response to our nutrient rich formula that acts quickly to deliver energy to your brain so that you can instantly snap back into life!

Alpha Stage ‡

Boosts Mental Energy
Provides Instant Physical Boost
Improves Athletic Performance

Beta Stage ‡

Improves Mood
Supports Positive Thinking
Supports Feelings of Calmness

Omega Stage ‡

Boosts Mental Performance
Improves Mental Acuity
Enhances Focus & Alertness

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Product Information

At Velovita, we’ve recognized a deficiency in the world when it comes to brain health and positive stimulus. Because our brain consumes 20% of our body’s energy with significant power demands, our brain needs cellular maintenance, repair, and regeneration.


Introducing Velovita’s flagship product that does that and more!!


brān® reimagined - a premium stacked nootropic with 16 nutrients to fuel the most important organ of your body. brān® was designed to immediately boost your mental energy, support positive thinking, improve focus, alertness, mood, and mental acuity.


We’ve learned throughout the years that tablets are difficult to digest and gel capsules have a better bioavailability when processed through the gut microbiome.

That’s why our scientists have employed nanoparticles in nutraceuticals as the next generation of health and biohacking for solubility, stability and improved absorption rates so that you can get the most out of our nutrient-rich formula. Because of this, brān® is the super nanoceutical with a proprietary formulation.


Whereas most nootropics or energy drinks work on only 1 or 2 stages, brān® works in 3 stages and when taken long term you can get ready for a life reimagined - epic and limitless!


If you could enhance virtually every aspect of your life performance and be mindfully at your best at school, at work, in competition, in relationships as well as having peace within to handle the turbulence of life and business. Just add brān® to your current daily routine and instantly snap back into life to conquer each day and #LOVIT.

What Our Customers Are Saying

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is brān® reimagined?

brān®, pronounced [breyn], is a delicious serum that comes in a single serving package that's fun and convenient to use while giving you a natural energy boost, clearing brain fog, enhancing mood, and helping with cravings. brān® Is a well-rounded premium nootropic with leading-edge nanotechnology for maximum impact to deliver an instant boost to the central control unit of your body - your brain.

What makes brān® different or better than other nootropic supplements?

We believe brān® to be one of the most superior and complete products in its class. While most products in this category are designed to deliver results in only one or two stages (immediate and/or near-term), brān® is designed to deliver its benefits for immediate, near-term, as well as long-term use.

What is the presentation of brān® reimagined?

brān® comes in a single serving size package (15 ml) that is fun and convenient to use! Each box contains 25 single-servings we call “Snaps” that are convenient to carry and to share.

What are the benefits of brān® reimagined?

brān® gives you an instant uplift that may support healthier brain performance by working in 3 stages:  

Alpha Stage

  • Boosts Mental Energy
  • Instant Mental and Physical Boost
  • Improves Athletic Performance

Beta Stage

  • Improves Mood
  • Supports Positive Thinking
  • Supports Feelings of Calmness

Omega Stage

  • Boosts Mental Performance
  • Improves Mental Acuity
  • Improves Focus & Alertness

What’s the recommended dose of these products?

We recommend you only take 1 per day. You may be able to have a second for an extra boost in the afternoon. Nevertheless, with only 1 dose of our products, you will be able to enjoy all of the benefits.

Can I take more than 1 serving per day?


When is the best time to take it?

In the morning or when you feel like you need an energy boost.

When is the best time to take it?

In the morning or when you feel like you need an energy boost.